UCU Consultation: OneKeele – The “Response”

Last week Keele UCU asked its members for comments and views on the communication, handling and impacts of OneKeele. We summarised the main themes and concerns emerging from members’ comments and provided a summary to the senior management at Keele University

Here is their “response”…

Design Group response to UCU Consultation on OneKeele 

The OneKeele Design Group welcomes feedback on the OneKeele programme and will reflect on the views and comments provided. In the interests of transparency, we have requested data on the number of respondents to this survey and await a response from UCU. 

We recognise that communication is critical to the success of any transformation programme and we are committed to listening staff and to providing information, data and updates in a timely manner and through a range of channels, many of which are interactive, including regular dialogue with the campus trade unions. We acknowledge the opinions that have been presented in section II of the UCU consultation document and will seek to take on board constructive suggestions as the programme ensues. 

We recognise that colleagues are keen to see full details on the proposed new operating model and, as soon as these are available (target date is end of March), they will be shared widely and consulted upon. We are currently in a process of organisational design, working collaboratively with Schools and Faculties to ensure we design an affordable PSS operating model that ensures professional leadership and delivery of our administration processes and services. We also understand that uncertainty is causing a level of anxiety for staff who are potentially affected and can assure staff that we are working hard to safeguard the employment of existing PSS staff, albeit to new, standardised roles which offer opportunity for enhanced professional and career development, in many cases. 

Our main vehicle for sharing information among staff is through the dedicated OneKeele webpages which are the currently the most popular pages on the staff intranet (10,500 visits in January 2021). However, it is evident, drawing on the comments in section III, that a significant number of respondents to the UCU survey are not familiar with the material available on these pages. Therefore, in this note we are providing a table to signpost colleagues to information which we hope is helpful in responding to key areas where there appear to be gaps in knowledge and understanding: 

 Theme Follow link below 
“I can’t say that I do know about OneKeele, what is it?” About OneKeele 
“I’m not clear of the benefits…” See ULG presentations for benefits:
Documents and presentations
Case Studies 
“No overall plan has been shared…” OneKeele Roadmap 
“OneKeele is a cost-cutting measure across Keele that is being presented as an improvement.” OneKeele Projects
OneKeele Frequently Asked Questions 
Secrecy/lack of transparency OneKeele Governance
OneKeele Updates 
Covid will be blamed for the need to cut costs..
The University should publish its accounts 
See the University’s Financial Sustainability Plan FSP and
University Statutory Accounts