Fundraising – Can YOU help?

Can you help to support UCU members facing 50% salary deductions?

Members of UCU at Keele are taking part in the national marking and assessment boycott (MAB) as part of an ongoing dispute over pay and working conditions. In response, the university has said it will deduct 50% of participating members’ pay for as long as the dispute continues.

Keele UCU have organised a wage sharing scheme, where members who cannot or will not boycott marking and assessment for any reason are pledging to share 10% of their take home salary with the local hardship fund to support members facing deductions.

With the strong solidarity of members, we have made it halfway to our fighting fund goal with wage sharing pledges, but we still need £14,000 to meet our goal of fully supporting all members who have indicated to us that they plan to boycott marking.

Now we are asking for your help.